Tag Archives: biopsychology

Brain Scans Padlet

https://padlet.com/embed/oyvmf7ui06 Created with Padlet

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Pinky and the Brain-brainstem

clip from childhood favorite cartoon shows Pinky and the Brain. Helps teach you learn the parts of the brain

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Broca’s Aphasia – Sarah Scott – Teenage Stroke/ Brain Plasticity

Word of the Day:   Broca’s Area- structure in left hemisphere of the brain responsible for expression of language.  If Broca’s is broken you can’t produce speech. Wernicke’s area- structure in the left hemisphere responsible for understanding language Aphasia- inability to … Continue reading

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Unit 3 Biopsychology Funnelbrain Flashcards

http://d1cxesumcyia02.cloudfront.net/media/players/FlashCard.swf View On FunnelBrain» This Quiz requires JavaScript enabled. If you do not have JavaScript enabled, you can play the full-page quiz here

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Play Jeopardy

Play Jeopardy https://jeopardylabs.com/play/unit-3-biopsychology

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Brain Plasticity Video Questions/ Superheroes, Villains and the Brain Assignment

WOD:  Copy the definition for plasticity aka neuroplasticity. What is brain plasticity? Does it mean that our brains are made of plastic?  NO!!!! Plasticity, or neuroplasticity, describes how experiences reorganize neural pathways in the brain. Changes in our brain occur when … Continue reading

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