Broca’s Aphasia – Sarah Scott – Teenage Stroke/ Brain Plasticity

Word of the Day:  

  1. Broca’s Area- structure in left hemisphere of the brain responsible for expression of language.  If Broca’s is broken you can’t produce speech.
  2. Wernicke’s area- structure in the left hemisphere responsible for understanding language
  3. Aphasia- inability to use language; may include problems speaking language, hearing language, and reading language. Some with aphasia are able to understand properly, but can’t speak language. Aphasia usually results from damage to parts of the brain such as Broca’s (speaking problems) area or Wernicke’s area (understanding language problems).
  4. Brain Plasticity AKA Neuroplasticity –  is the ability of the brain to modify its connections or re-wire itself.

Sarah Scott – a 19-year-old stroke victim from Great Britain who suffers from Broca’s aphasia.

1.How old was Jodi when she was diagnosed with Rasmussen syndrome?

2. How did it affect her?

3. What treatment was recommended by her doctors?

4. What does the right side of the brain control?

5. How would you describe Jodi’s progress after her surgery?

About victoriaruss

I teach World History, Civics, AP Psychology, and AP Government at West Bladen High School.
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